Thursday, June 2, 2011

Apology and a Side Project

          I've been bad. I haven't posted in a month. I guess the main reason is because I haven't really been sure what direction I want to take this. I suppose this site is mainly for just what's on my mind, topics I'm interested in, analyzing things, all that stuff. Just general musings. But the past month I've been kinda dry as to what to write about. There were a few things I considered but whenever I fall out of the groove of updating every few days it's very hard to get myself to just hop back and do it again, so it's a deadly cycle. I may choose to get rid of this blog if this keeps on happening, but I will try to update more often and figure out a specific purpose for it. Hopefully I'll have a real post up in the next few days, if not tomorrow.
          But for now, I guess I should show and shamelessly bump my newest project. I haven't discussed it here but I'm actually a huge music buff and have a borderline unhealthy addiction. Me and my friend with a similar problem started up a blog for music news and reviews, of any and all genres and popularity. Not to mention quality. Oh, and we're giving free downloads of the albums we review. What's not to like? So if you're a music nerd you should check it out. Here's the link if you're interested.
          See you soon with less pointlessness, I hope.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead. What Now?

          I'm not going to pretend you haven't heard. Osama Bin Laden is dead. Allegedly shot in the head by US special forces. This has been taken by America as a victory and many are saying "justice is served". I understand to a degree why people are feeling this way and saying that. Bin Laden has been said to be the perpetrator of 9/11, and has been presented to us as the symbol of terrorism against the USA and leader of the Al-Queda. He dies, and people feel a bit of closure from the tragedy of 9/11. I understand that. BUT, is it right?
          From what I have read, Bin Laden hadn't even been the leader of the Al-Queda anymore for the past two years, and I don't know about you but I hadn't heard any new threats in quite a long time. This man should have been caught and tried for his crimes. From what Obama has told us, this mission from the start was to go in and kill him. Every man has a right to trial. Even the Nazi leaders had the Nuremberg trials, and were rightly punished. Did we even try to capture him? It doesn't seem to be that way.
          Justice has been served? I'm not so sure. Maybe this gives people who were truly affected by 9/11 some closure, which is good, they definitely deserve closure. But to praise and rejoice a death like this, all it does is keep the cycle of hate going. What I mean is, Bin Laden was a sick man who was one of those responsible for the death of thousands of innocents. He is shot and killed ten years later, and it is met with the same rejoice that Al-Queda had over their "successful mission", killing Americans. Now we are going to anger them even further, and I have no doubt that they are going to try and act on this and hit us back, for their own "justice". Then the cycle keeps going. There's a really good quote that sums this up pretty well...
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” 
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
           That is all I have to say on this. Have a good day, think for yourself, and really think about what you're celebrating before you rejoice.

Friday, April 29, 2011

But I Don't Want Another Fish...

          A random picture I found online inspired me to write. It takes the little things in life...

          This made me chuckle quite a bit because it's pretty damn true, in my opinion. I don't really believe in "soul-mates", at least I don't believe that every person has just one specific person set aside that's meant for them. It's a nice thought, but it's pretty silly. If you live your life by that logic you'll probably be alone for a very long time, because even if your soul-mate did show up you'd probably turn them down thinking they weren't the right one. Because I don't know about you, but every single person I've met that's had a huge impact on my life I met in really bizarre and unexpected ways, and I never expected them to be so important until... well... they were. That's just how life goes.
          On the other hand, the analogy of there being "plenty of fish in the sea" has always bothered me. Maybe it's because I'm a hardcore individualist, but it makes me want to say "yeah there are plenty of other fish, but none of them are *insert person of interest here*". Sure there may be other people, but I'm picky dammit. Really picky. And really monogamous. Once I'm dedicated to someone, I'm kind of stuck that way. I've only had real feelings for one person the past two years, and despite my efforts to find another fish to strike my fancy I've found none. I've even tried to force myself to be attracted to people. Doesn't really work, and is just unfair to all parties involved.
          Honestly I'm not too sure where I'm going with this. I felt the need to confront this analogy because of how much it annoys me. It works if you have really low standards and are willing to date anything that seems alright at the moment, but for really picky and monogamous people such as me, it's just stupid. Or maybe I'm heartless. Wouldn't surprise me anymore.
          In conclusion, if you find a fish you really really like, don't let it slip away. And remember that the best people and situations come to you when you stop looking for them.

Much love <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just an Update

         Gaaah, sorry I haven't posted in almost two weeks. I had birthday stuff going on for a while and other than that I've just been kind of spaced out. Stupid excuse I know, but there hasn't been much inspiration on what to write on so I've just avoided it. I don't want to make pointless updates like this one often, but I just felt I needed to tonight. Guess I'll just touch briefly on what I've been up to lately. Because people care, right? (No, no they do not.)

          So yeah, like I said I had birthday business for a while. I am now, officially, legally, no longer a child. Had my 18th birthday last week. Usually I don't make a big deal out of my birthday but I kind of felt the need to go all out this year. Had a big ol' party at my dad's house, got tipsy with some of my close friends and family, and had a really awesome night. Here's a link to a video of the few moments that were recorded. Fun times were had by all. I'm really glad I decided to have a party this year. Especially since something (I don't feel like going into what) really upset me just a day or two prior to my birthday and I nearly canceled my party so I could stay home and mope instead, but I didn't and it ended up being just the pick-me-up I needed.
          Since then there was Easter celebrating, and then I've just been trying to get my bearings back. I'm still in the process of applying for a grant, which is a total bitch and incredibly annoying, but necessary. It feels like I'm just at this weird stand-still while I try to figure out my future education. I hate the times in life where you just have to wait and there's not really much to do, know what I mean? Having to wait for something to come to you or happen that you can't really influence is one of the most frustrating things I'm having to deal with lately. I'm an incredibly impatient person and when I want something, I want to work for it. When I can't, I get this build up of energy that just turns into being frustrated with not being able to influence my own situation. At least directly. Bah... I'm rambling.
          On a semi-happier note, I got a new acoustic guitar for my birthday and have been way enjoying that. Since (as I said) I'm just waiting on grant and college stuff to come through, I've been spending most of my time indulging in my many MANY hobbies. I have about six books on loan out from the library that I'm furiously trying to read in time, playing three separate video games, practicing my guitar and bass at least daily, and doing writing practices at least daily. There are just not enough hours in a day for me to spread evenly to all my hobbies it seems. I'm losing sleep over all of this, it's insanity. I'm enjoying it though. At the expense of a real life. Oh well, who needs one of those?

          I'm going to stop here abruptly before I start rambling incoherently to myself, as I do. I'm hoping to post more frequently again soon, I'll make a goal of it. Not that anyone reads this.

          Oh, and here's an accidental picture of my hands from the birthday party. Just because.

Friday, April 15, 2011

7-Year Old Gets Plastic Surgery

          Something you may have heard in the news recently is that a young girl has undergone plastic surgery "to pin back her cup ears and fix a fold on her right ear.". In an interview with the girl, she says she hasn't really been bullied all that much, but her mother claims that there have been other adults who point out her ears with her right there. She says that the surgery is more to "prevent bullying in the future".
          I have a lot of problems with this. Main one being that her parents are essentially teaching her that her appearance is what matters, and that you should change the things that are different about you instead of embracing them. I'm sure that isn't the intent of the parents, but things like this can affect a child for the rest of their life. As can bullying. Which brings me to my next problem with this.
          They assume that with her ears- which are usually covered by her hair anyways- is just going to prevent her from ever being bullied. Sorry honey, it don't work like that. I don't know a single person that hasn't been bullied in their life. People will always find something to pick on and try to make you feel ashamed of. So instead of trying to change yourself for other people, you learn to love and accept your flaws and realize that not everyone is going to like everything about you. I went on a huge rant about how I got bullied for being androgynous, I understand how it's hard and it makes you feel bad, but that's part of growing up. If it won't be her ears, it will just be something else. I'm afraid that this surgery will cause her to think that changing herself so others will accept her is the right thing to do.
          However after all that being said, it's hard not to feel happy for her when she seems so pleased with how her ears look. But honestly I doubt it will always be that way. I mean I don't think this will be THAT huge of a life changing experience for her, she may hardly remember it once she's older, but I do think that there's a big chance of it affecting how she approaches these sort of issues.

         I'm against plastic/cosmetic surgery as a whole, so my opinion is a bit bias. What do you think?

Reference Links
Article with video.