Friday, April 8, 2011

Interracial Relationships

           Today while I was browsing the interwebs I came across multiple articles claiming that there's been a recent poll in Mississippi asking republicans if they think that interracial marriage should be made illegal. The answers completely shocked me. 46% said that they thought it should be made illegal, 40% thought it should remain legal, and 14% were "unsure". What. The. HELL. (sources to a few of the articles will be put at the bottom)
          Before I go any further, I want to say that I'm NOT here to bash republicans. I don't give a crap what government party you call your own. I personally don't associate myself as republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. My opinion is my own despite what party it happens to align with. However, lately republicans have been doing a lot that I disagree with. As I said, I'm not here to bash them for being republicans. If this poll was put towards democrats only or both parties with these results, I'd still make my comments. So don't accuse me of bashing. Okay? Okay. Moving on.

          I guess you could say this issue is kind of personal for me. I've been in two interracial relationships before. One lasted a very short period of time, the other lasted roughly a year. Like the gender identity thing I talked about before, it was never really brought up and it was never an issue. It never caused problems for the relationship. However there were and have been people who like to make it very clear to me that it was indeed a interracial relationship.Again, I ask, why does it matter? If it doesn't matter to the couple, why does it matter to you? What is so abrasively offensive about two people of difference in race loving each other? People don't seem to care if one is of Irish heritage and the other of German, but if one is of Hispanic, African, or (God forbid!) Middle-Eastern heritage, suddenly it's wrong.
          Now, interracial marriage WAS illegal back in the day (40 years ago I think. Don't quote me on that), and it's slowly been growing less and less "taboo". In my opinion, a very good thing. As with gay rights, what two people do in the comfort of their own homes shouldn't be and isn't your business. If two people love each other, who are you to say they should or shouldn't be allowed to be with each other because of something so irrelevant that (in all cases I've seen) cause no problems or any abnormal functioning inside of the relationship besides the ones caused by outsiders trying to tell them it's right or wrong! If someone wants to be with someone of a different race, or DOESN'T want to be with someone of a different gender, that is their business and what they want. Do you see them trying to force you to do the same as them? Well, I guess there may be a few, but I've never witnessed a single one.
          It may sound a bit extreme, but all of this honestly takes me back to freshman history when we learned about the Nuremberg race laws. The chart shows about how interracial relationships can effect breeding and Aryan purity. Is that why it matters? Is that what puts people off? I wouldn't quite know, because I'm not one of them. I know the main issue with gay rights is religious doctrine, but I don't think there is anything in the bible pertaining to race. If there is and you know about it, I'd like to be informed. Or if you have any other ideas as to why this is considered so wrong.

          To end this rant I'd like to point out that I'm well aware the odds of something like this going to congress are incredibly slim, but I guess it was something that bothered me enough to go on a rant about. Especially since it's something that has somewhat affected my personal life that I've never quite understood.

Reference Links
Mississippi poll.
A bit more information on the poll and statistics.
Nuremberg race law chart. (Couldn't find a translated one but you get the idea)
Note that I couldn't find any official government record of the poll statistics and as always I'm not 100% sure of how true these articles are, but out of the sheer number of them saying the same thing there's obviously some base in what's being said.