Wednesday, April 13, 2011


          So, I have a problem. Kind of. I'm hyper-sentimental (if that's even I term, I'm not sure). By that I mean I tag special meaning, or memory, or emotion, to just about everything. If you pick up a random object in my room or choose a random song/movie in my collection, odds are I have sentimental feelings towards it. Think of it like those mothers that keep every single assignment their child ever did in school. Only I don't think I'm that bad, although I probably would be if I had children... anyways, I figured I'd discuss this a bit. Why people do it, why it can suck, etc.

          Just about everybody has had at least some experience with this sort of thing. You know that cheesy love song you and your ex used to always sing to each other that you can't get through listening without thinking about them? Yeah, it's like that.
          I'm going to give a personal example that I think a lot of people with the slightest bit of sentimentality can understand and/or relate to. The house I live in now I have lived in on-and-off for my entire life. The majority of my life has been spent in this house. A lot of significant things have happened to me here, good and bad. Soon, probably within the next year, I'm likely moving out. Which part of me is totally excited for, like "Wooyay, adulthood and crap." but the other part of me is like "AHHH BUT THAT HOUSE MEANS SO MUCH TO ME." you get the point. I know others who've had similar feelings about moving out of a house or town that they have had significant experiences in, so I'm definitely not alone.
           Some people, including myself, have even had moments of panic over something silly like this. As if the world is going to end if they can no longer have this thing of sentiment. Unfortunately this is how a lot of people become hoarders (that show about hoarders on A&E showcases this pretty well). Honestly I think the reason behind this is fairly obvious. You attach a certain memory to an object, then when you lose said object you feel as if you're going to lose that memory as well. Like you won't be able to remember it anymore and it never happened. Obviously this is not true, but whatever, unconscious response, yadda yadda.
          I'm not sure why some people have more of a tendency towards the extreme sentimentality than others, but it happens pretty often from what I've seen. It's probably just more emotional  people that more easily grow sentimental connections, and emotional I most certainly am. I have yet to find an efficient way to stop getting silly irrelevant emotions to connect to random things, or how to break a connection already made, but I also haven't done a lot of study on this subject. I just felt like touching on it a bit. Maybe there is a way, I don't know. But if you do, I'd love to hear it.

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