Thursday, June 2, 2011

Apology and a Side Project

          I've been bad. I haven't posted in a month. I guess the main reason is because I haven't really been sure what direction I want to take this. I suppose this site is mainly for just what's on my mind, topics I'm interested in, analyzing things, all that stuff. Just general musings. But the past month I've been kinda dry as to what to write about. There were a few things I considered but whenever I fall out of the groove of updating every few days it's very hard to get myself to just hop back and do it again, so it's a deadly cycle. I may choose to get rid of this blog if this keeps on happening, but I will try to update more often and figure out a specific purpose for it. Hopefully I'll have a real post up in the next few days, if not tomorrow.
          But for now, I guess I should show and shamelessly bump my newest project. I haven't discussed it here but I'm actually a huge music buff and have a borderline unhealthy addiction. Me and my friend with a similar problem started up a blog for music news and reviews, of any and all genres and popularity. Not to mention quality. Oh, and we're giving free downloads of the albums we review. What's not to like? So if you're a music nerd you should check it out. Here's the link if you're interested.
          See you soon with less pointlessness, I hope.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead. What Now?

          I'm not going to pretend you haven't heard. Osama Bin Laden is dead. Allegedly shot in the head by US special forces. This has been taken by America as a victory and many are saying "justice is served". I understand to a degree why people are feeling this way and saying that. Bin Laden has been said to be the perpetrator of 9/11, and has been presented to us as the symbol of terrorism against the USA and leader of the Al-Queda. He dies, and people feel a bit of closure from the tragedy of 9/11. I understand that. BUT, is it right?
          From what I have read, Bin Laden hadn't even been the leader of the Al-Queda anymore for the past two years, and I don't know about you but I hadn't heard any new threats in quite a long time. This man should have been caught and tried for his crimes. From what Obama has told us, this mission from the start was to go in and kill him. Every man has a right to trial. Even the Nazi leaders had the Nuremberg trials, and were rightly punished. Did we even try to capture him? It doesn't seem to be that way.
          Justice has been served? I'm not so sure. Maybe this gives people who were truly affected by 9/11 some closure, which is good, they definitely deserve closure. But to praise and rejoice a death like this, all it does is keep the cycle of hate going. What I mean is, Bin Laden was a sick man who was one of those responsible for the death of thousands of innocents. He is shot and killed ten years later, and it is met with the same rejoice that Al-Queda had over their "successful mission", killing Americans. Now we are going to anger them even further, and I have no doubt that they are going to try and act on this and hit us back, for their own "justice". Then the cycle keeps going. There's a really good quote that sums this up pretty well...
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” 
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
           That is all I have to say on this. Have a good day, think for yourself, and really think about what you're celebrating before you rejoice.

Friday, April 29, 2011

But I Don't Want Another Fish...

          A random picture I found online inspired me to write. It takes the little things in life...

          This made me chuckle quite a bit because it's pretty damn true, in my opinion. I don't really believe in "soul-mates", at least I don't believe that every person has just one specific person set aside that's meant for them. It's a nice thought, but it's pretty silly. If you live your life by that logic you'll probably be alone for a very long time, because even if your soul-mate did show up you'd probably turn them down thinking they weren't the right one. Because I don't know about you, but every single person I've met that's had a huge impact on my life I met in really bizarre and unexpected ways, and I never expected them to be so important until... well... they were. That's just how life goes.
          On the other hand, the analogy of there being "plenty of fish in the sea" has always bothered me. Maybe it's because I'm a hardcore individualist, but it makes me want to say "yeah there are plenty of other fish, but none of them are *insert person of interest here*". Sure there may be other people, but I'm picky dammit. Really picky. And really monogamous. Once I'm dedicated to someone, I'm kind of stuck that way. I've only had real feelings for one person the past two years, and despite my efforts to find another fish to strike my fancy I've found none. I've even tried to force myself to be attracted to people. Doesn't really work, and is just unfair to all parties involved.
          Honestly I'm not too sure where I'm going with this. I felt the need to confront this analogy because of how much it annoys me. It works if you have really low standards and are willing to date anything that seems alright at the moment, but for really picky and monogamous people such as me, it's just stupid. Or maybe I'm heartless. Wouldn't surprise me anymore.
          In conclusion, if you find a fish you really really like, don't let it slip away. And remember that the best people and situations come to you when you stop looking for them.

Much love <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just an Update

         Gaaah, sorry I haven't posted in almost two weeks. I had birthday stuff going on for a while and other than that I've just been kind of spaced out. Stupid excuse I know, but there hasn't been much inspiration on what to write on so I've just avoided it. I don't want to make pointless updates like this one often, but I just felt I needed to tonight. Guess I'll just touch briefly on what I've been up to lately. Because people care, right? (No, no they do not.)

          So yeah, like I said I had birthday business for a while. I am now, officially, legally, no longer a child. Had my 18th birthday last week. Usually I don't make a big deal out of my birthday but I kind of felt the need to go all out this year. Had a big ol' party at my dad's house, got tipsy with some of my close friends and family, and had a really awesome night. Here's a link to a video of the few moments that were recorded. Fun times were had by all. I'm really glad I decided to have a party this year. Especially since something (I don't feel like going into what) really upset me just a day or two prior to my birthday and I nearly canceled my party so I could stay home and mope instead, but I didn't and it ended up being just the pick-me-up I needed.
          Since then there was Easter celebrating, and then I've just been trying to get my bearings back. I'm still in the process of applying for a grant, which is a total bitch and incredibly annoying, but necessary. It feels like I'm just at this weird stand-still while I try to figure out my future education. I hate the times in life where you just have to wait and there's not really much to do, know what I mean? Having to wait for something to come to you or happen that you can't really influence is one of the most frustrating things I'm having to deal with lately. I'm an incredibly impatient person and when I want something, I want to work for it. When I can't, I get this build up of energy that just turns into being frustrated with not being able to influence my own situation. At least directly. Bah... I'm rambling.
          On a semi-happier note, I got a new acoustic guitar for my birthday and have been way enjoying that. Since (as I said) I'm just waiting on grant and college stuff to come through, I've been spending most of my time indulging in my many MANY hobbies. I have about six books on loan out from the library that I'm furiously trying to read in time, playing three separate video games, practicing my guitar and bass at least daily, and doing writing practices at least daily. There are just not enough hours in a day for me to spread evenly to all my hobbies it seems. I'm losing sleep over all of this, it's insanity. I'm enjoying it though. At the expense of a real life. Oh well, who needs one of those?

          I'm going to stop here abruptly before I start rambling incoherently to myself, as I do. I'm hoping to post more frequently again soon, I'll make a goal of it. Not that anyone reads this.

          Oh, and here's an accidental picture of my hands from the birthday party. Just because.

Friday, April 15, 2011

7-Year Old Gets Plastic Surgery

          Something you may have heard in the news recently is that a young girl has undergone plastic surgery "to pin back her cup ears and fix a fold on her right ear.". In an interview with the girl, she says she hasn't really been bullied all that much, but her mother claims that there have been other adults who point out her ears with her right there. She says that the surgery is more to "prevent bullying in the future".
          I have a lot of problems with this. Main one being that her parents are essentially teaching her that her appearance is what matters, and that you should change the things that are different about you instead of embracing them. I'm sure that isn't the intent of the parents, but things like this can affect a child for the rest of their life. As can bullying. Which brings me to my next problem with this.
          They assume that with her ears- which are usually covered by her hair anyways- is just going to prevent her from ever being bullied. Sorry honey, it don't work like that. I don't know a single person that hasn't been bullied in their life. People will always find something to pick on and try to make you feel ashamed of. So instead of trying to change yourself for other people, you learn to love and accept your flaws and realize that not everyone is going to like everything about you. I went on a huge rant about how I got bullied for being androgynous, I understand how it's hard and it makes you feel bad, but that's part of growing up. If it won't be her ears, it will just be something else. I'm afraid that this surgery will cause her to think that changing herself so others will accept her is the right thing to do.
          However after all that being said, it's hard not to feel happy for her when she seems so pleased with how her ears look. But honestly I doubt it will always be that way. I mean I don't think this will be THAT huge of a life changing experience for her, she may hardly remember it once she's older, but I do think that there's a big chance of it affecting how she approaches these sort of issues.

         I'm against plastic/cosmetic surgery as a whole, so my opinion is a bit bias. What do you think?

Reference Links
Article with video.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


          So, I have a problem. Kind of. I'm hyper-sentimental (if that's even I term, I'm not sure). By that I mean I tag special meaning, or memory, or emotion, to just about everything. If you pick up a random object in my room or choose a random song/movie in my collection, odds are I have sentimental feelings towards it. Think of it like those mothers that keep every single assignment their child ever did in school. Only I don't think I'm that bad, although I probably would be if I had children... anyways, I figured I'd discuss this a bit. Why people do it, why it can suck, etc.

          Just about everybody has had at least some experience with this sort of thing. You know that cheesy love song you and your ex used to always sing to each other that you can't get through listening without thinking about them? Yeah, it's like that.
          I'm going to give a personal example that I think a lot of people with the slightest bit of sentimentality can understand and/or relate to. The house I live in now I have lived in on-and-off for my entire life. The majority of my life has been spent in this house. A lot of significant things have happened to me here, good and bad. Soon, probably within the next year, I'm likely moving out. Which part of me is totally excited for, like "Wooyay, adulthood and crap." but the other part of me is like "AHHH BUT THAT HOUSE MEANS SO MUCH TO ME." you get the point. I know others who've had similar feelings about moving out of a house or town that they have had significant experiences in, so I'm definitely not alone.
           Some people, including myself, have even had moments of panic over something silly like this. As if the world is going to end if they can no longer have this thing of sentiment. Unfortunately this is how a lot of people become hoarders (that show about hoarders on A&E showcases this pretty well). Honestly I think the reason behind this is fairly obvious. You attach a certain memory to an object, then when you lose said object you feel as if you're going to lose that memory as well. Like you won't be able to remember it anymore and it never happened. Obviously this is not true, but whatever, unconscious response, yadda yadda.
          I'm not sure why some people have more of a tendency towards the extreme sentimentality than others, but it happens pretty often from what I've seen. It's probably just more emotional  people that more easily grow sentimental connections, and emotional I most certainly am. I have yet to find an efficient way to stop getting silly irrelevant emotions to connect to random things, or how to break a connection already made, but I also haven't done a lot of study on this subject. I just felt like touching on it a bit. Maybe there is a way, I don't know. But if you do, I'd love to hear it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Interracial Relationships

           Today while I was browsing the interwebs I came across multiple articles claiming that there's been a recent poll in Mississippi asking republicans if they think that interracial marriage should be made illegal. The answers completely shocked me. 46% said that they thought it should be made illegal, 40% thought it should remain legal, and 14% were "unsure". What. The. HELL. (sources to a few of the articles will be put at the bottom)
          Before I go any further, I want to say that I'm NOT here to bash republicans. I don't give a crap what government party you call your own. I personally don't associate myself as republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. My opinion is my own despite what party it happens to align with. However, lately republicans have been doing a lot that I disagree with. As I said, I'm not here to bash them for being republicans. If this poll was put towards democrats only or both parties with these results, I'd still make my comments. So don't accuse me of bashing. Okay? Okay. Moving on.

          I guess you could say this issue is kind of personal for me. I've been in two interracial relationships before. One lasted a very short period of time, the other lasted roughly a year. Like the gender identity thing I talked about before, it was never really brought up and it was never an issue. It never caused problems for the relationship. However there were and have been people who like to make it very clear to me that it was indeed a interracial relationship.Again, I ask, why does it matter? If it doesn't matter to the couple, why does it matter to you? What is so abrasively offensive about two people of difference in race loving each other? People don't seem to care if one is of Irish heritage and the other of German, but if one is of Hispanic, African, or (God forbid!) Middle-Eastern heritage, suddenly it's wrong.
          Now, interracial marriage WAS illegal back in the day (40 years ago I think. Don't quote me on that), and it's slowly been growing less and less "taboo". In my opinion, a very good thing. As with gay rights, what two people do in the comfort of their own homes shouldn't be and isn't your business. If two people love each other, who are you to say they should or shouldn't be allowed to be with each other because of something so irrelevant that (in all cases I've seen) cause no problems or any abnormal functioning inside of the relationship besides the ones caused by outsiders trying to tell them it's right or wrong! If someone wants to be with someone of a different race, or DOESN'T want to be with someone of a different gender, that is their business and what they want. Do you see them trying to force you to do the same as them? Well, I guess there may be a few, but I've never witnessed a single one.
          It may sound a bit extreme, but all of this honestly takes me back to freshman history when we learned about the Nuremberg race laws. The chart shows about how interracial relationships can effect breeding and Aryan purity. Is that why it matters? Is that what puts people off? I wouldn't quite know, because I'm not one of them. I know the main issue with gay rights is religious doctrine, but I don't think there is anything in the bible pertaining to race. If there is and you know about it, I'd like to be informed. Or if you have any other ideas as to why this is considered so wrong.

          To end this rant I'd like to point out that I'm well aware the odds of something like this going to congress are incredibly slim, but I guess it was something that bothered me enough to go on a rant about. Especially since it's something that has somewhat affected my personal life that I've never quite understood.

Reference Links
Mississippi poll.
A bit more information on the poll and statistics.
Nuremberg race law chart. (Couldn't find a translated one but you get the idea)
Note that I couldn't find any official government record of the poll statistics and as always I'm not 100% sure of how true these articles are, but out of the sheer number of them saying the same thing there's obviously some base in what's being said.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

On Abstinence, Sex-Ed, and Safe Sex

          First thing I want to say before anything else, is that I'm NOT here to talk about abortion. That is not what I want to talk about and it isn't necessary for this topic. I may talk about it at a later date, I may not. Either way, today isn't the day. Now, moving on...

          I read an article yesterday about how the percentage of teen pregnancies in the U.S. is at an all time low right now. Can I get a "wooyay"? That being said, there are still a lot of them. I'm sure you know or have seen quite a few of them yourself. I know I have. Studies say that nowadays more teens are choosing to wait until they have sex. Obviously this has an impact on the decline in pregnancies, however, there's also been a huge increase in teens using SAFE sex (some links to statistics will be posted at the bottom). So, how to continue this decline? Education, obviously.
          I've been bitching about how terrible the sex ed is in this country since I was still in sex ed. Just about everyone realizes how awful it is, to the point of being parodied in many a television show and movie (who else loves the scene from Mean Girls?). Here in the U.S. it's widely taught that abstinence is the way to go. Clearly that's the only way to be 100% assured you won't get pregnant. BUT the thing is, teens are going to have sex. Most of them, anyways.
         I still remember my 8th grade sex ed assembly pretty well. A lot of people didn't take it the least bit seriously. One of my friends managed to catch our teacher completely off guard to the point of speechlessness by yelling out "Can we still masturbate?!" Ah. Good times. I remember they passed out these little buttons that said "I'm worth waiting for." It's a nice little slogan and promotes self-confidence. Some people even took it to heart and wore them around... for a while. See, the problem is, teens are incredibly hormonal beings. We all know this. No matter how much they believe in that little slogan, odds are they are going to have sex by age 18. I know I said earlier that more teens are choosing to wait, but I think the only thing that can honestly convince a teen to stay abstinent is by entirely their own choice. Not because they were scared into it. And studies have shown that those who choose abstinence often turn to riskier alternatives, i.e. unprotected anal sex.
          At the risk of getting some hate mail sent to me, I think they should stop funding the abstinence part of sex ed. It doesn't work. AGAIN, as I said before abstinence has had an increase. But as someone just recently out of high school and almost all of my friends being around age 18, I can tell you that the few that are choosing to work still find the abstinence sex ed completely ridiculous and they are choosing to wait for their own reasons and on their own accord. And they are still by far the minority. What needs to be taught far better than it is, is contraception. Adults need to face the facts that they cannot keep their teens from having sex. They need to tell teens how to be safe and how things work instead of just flat out telling them not to have it.
          I'm not against abstinence in any way whatsoever, that's a personal choice everyone needs to make for themselves. But as for the majority of teens who will be having sex no matter what you tell them, the least that could be done is being honest with them and telling them how to be safe and preventing pregnancy or transmitting STDs. This country needs to get out of this weird rut it's in that makes sex this huge cultural taboo when it's a completely normal human function and is nothing to be ashamed of. Just be safe! Teaching people to be ashamed of something completely normal and natural is just promoting self-shame and low self-esteem. And THAT, I can say, is at an all time high. So let's be nice and honest to our teens, please?

Reference Links
The article I read.
Teen pregnancy statistics as of 2009.
Statistics on contraceptives attributed to decline in teen pregnancy.
Studies on teens who pledge abstinence.

I'm not promoting teen sex. I'm promoting what's realistic based on what I know from my peers and statistics. As I said abstinence is a choice everyone needs to make themselves, and I have respect for those that choose to and those that choose to have sex safely.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Letters I'll Never Send #1

Dear You,
          There will always be the chance that you'll see this. We're still in touch, although not all that often. You still mean as much to me now as you did then. You are one of the best friends I have ever had, and no matter how many times I tell you that I don't think you quite understand how much I mean it. To this day I still don't even understand entirely how I felt about you, and you're probably the only person I can say that about. I think it may be a mystery I'll never quite figure out. All I know is that you were a very dear friend to me, and that year would not have been what it was without you. You had a much bigger impact on me than I think you know.
          I'm apprehensive on what I should and shouldn't say in this letter. The smallest thing could easily give away who I'm talking about, and I don't want you or anyone else to be sure of who you are. Why? I don't know. I guess because that would make saying how I feel about you that much harder. Not because I'm scared for you to know, because I've told you most of this, but I don't want anyone else to know. Again, why? I'm not sure. Few people know about you in the first place though, haha.
          You have always supported me and told me to go 100% for what I wanted and what I loved to do, and you know quite well how I love to write. Maybe that's one of the reasons that I chose you to be the first person I wrote to. You're one of the few people I can say has always supported me and stood behind me no matter what it was I was doing. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I'm really glad that we still talk occasionally, but I do miss how close we used to be. We used to talk on the phone for hours and hours just to see each other at school the next day. But those nights on the phone I would confess to you things I never thought I'd tell to anybody. Not once did I feel like you judged me. I'd say to you something I feared would make you completely change your opinion of me, something I thought was near the end of the world. You would just laugh and say something like "Is that all?"
          You've always been there to tell me I'm beautiful when I'm feeling my ugliest. You've always been there to tell me I'm one of the best friends you've ever had when I'm feeling like I couldn't possibly mess things up worse. You've always been there to make me smile when I'm feeling like I never could again. Maybe we'll never be as close as we were then, but I can easily say that I could never in a million years forget you or what you mean to me.

                   Your friend always,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm Conflicted

          Recently, after a year long struggle with identification and situational problems, I got my GED. Or my "good enough degree", as I like to call it. It's not the biggest accomplishment in the world to be sure, but a pretty necessary one. Now I have a pretty big decision to make that will essentially affect the rest of my life. Scary much?
          First thing I'm having to decide is, college. Which brings on a plethora of questions, such as:  Where do I want to go? How the heck am I going to afford it? Do I want to go to a community college first THEN transfer to a university? Or do I want to just go straight into the big "U"? Will they accept me despite not having two years of a language course? What do I want to major in? How long do I want to go for? Do I want to consider going to a school out of state? Can I handle it? AHHHHSDFSLJ

          Now, in a perfect world where I could just do what I want most, I'd go straight to University of Oregon (affectionately called UFO) on a grant and/or scholarship. I'd major in either sociology, philosophy, or psychology. Minor in either literature or linguistics. Possibly switch the minor and major around. This is what I would really like to do. However the sucky part is that pretty much NONE of the things I want to major or minor in open up very many job opportunities, and the one's there are are difficult to get. I've always been the type to say "screw having a plan B and just go full force for what you want". But the problem there is that I'm most likely going to leave school in huge debt due to student loans, so if I don't start making pretty good money and making it fast then I'll quickly find myself in a mess. This raises the question of whether or not I should sell my soul for an almost guarantee of a job. If I do this, I will likely major in journalism. I like journalism and think a job in it would be fun, IF I got to write about something I actually care about. Journalism is something I've had very minor experience in but I've enjoyed it while I've done it. Problem is, it's not my first choice. As I said, I want to major in philosophy, psychology, or sociology, and get a job reflecting that. I'm sure I'd enjoy it more than anything else, especially while going to school. Journalism would probably entail very boring classes that I'll have no motivation to show up to. This could be a problem to the point of my dropping out, because I'm the type that has a problem finding the will and the motivation to finish something that I don't enjoy in the least (one of the many reasons I dropped out of high school). So, I'm scared to take journalism. I'm scared of taking two years of basics at a community college first for these same reasons.
          I'm not sure why I decided to write about this. I suppose to get it out to someone that isn't an elder in my family because I don't want to hear about how I need to go to school to be a doctor so I can make a lot of money. First of all because being a doctor is about as appealing to me as jabbing forks into my eyes on a daily basis. Second being because I don't care about being wealthy, I care about paying off loans and then doing well enough to get by. Don't get me wrong, advice is nice, but lately it seems to make me more and more pessimistic about my chances to just do what I want to do and be happy doing it. I mean, every human has the right to pursuit of happiness.... right?

          Well, I hope yet am sure you didn't enjoy my slight stress relieving all over your face. But it needed to be done. Now I'm off to pull my hair out. Have a great day~

Friday, April 1, 2011

Gender Identity

          Oh right, I was totally gonna blog at least once a week. Way to be on the ball, me! I promise I'll try, but we'll see what happens.

          Anyways, today we're going to talk about gender identity and the story regarding my own. Prepare for tl;dr
          First thing I'm going to say, is that this image is perfect for my first point. Which is that gender goes far further than just man or woman. This is something a lot of people fail to realize. For those of you who don't know, your gender is NOT determined by your genitalia. That is what your sex is. Your gender is based on many things. Like what personality traits you have, how you handle your emotions, how you dress, things like that. Most people feel they identify with the traits generally associated with their biological sex. These people are cisgendered. Then there are those who don't feel they identify with their biological sex (to varying degrees). These people are transgendered. Now, people often assume that transgendered people always associate 100% with the opposite of what they are biologically, which is not always the case. There are some people who feel like they fit somewhere in between male and female, some who feel they fit as both, and some that feel they fit as neither!
          Now, hopefully your brain didn't just explode if that was all new information for you. But those are just the basics that I felt I needed to point out before going on my rant on how gender identity has affected my own life.

          When I was a little kid- as far back as my early toddler years- I was what my family and many others lovingly called a "tomboy". I hated dresses and skirts and frilly shirts. I hated having my hair brushed, or even played with. I hated hanging out with other girls, I had almost exclusively male friends. I was far from obsessed with the idea of getting married or being saved from a tall tower by some handsome prince. I wanted to rescue my own damn self. I never, EVER, owned a single Barbie, doll house, or baby doll. This is just how it was and I didn't really think anything of it. That is, until it started being a concern for others. Being a kid, I had little sense of what was considered normal or average behavior for a little girl such as myself. I was simply acting on who I was. I don't remember anything making me that way, my older sister was definitely more of the typical young girl, and me and her were not raised so differently. For as long as I can remember that's just how I've been. It was no conscious effort to be "different", I didn't even know it WAS considered different until my mid grade school days.
          Now, I don't think I know anybody who wasn't teased at least once in grade school. Kids can be evil little things. So as grade school went on (which I absolutely hated and stayed home as often as I possibly could) it was growing more and more often that people pointed out to me how boyish I acted and presented myself. I vaguely remember even asking my parents once if they were really sure if I was a girl, because people at school kept calling me a boy. It confused me quite a bit. I didn't think I was a boy, I didn't particularly TRY to act or look like one, yet others seemed to think so. My early years basically went on like that. Throughout grade school I only had a single female friend, and by 4th grade there was a huge rumor that we were lesbians. Thinking back to that now I'm kind of amazed bigotry like that can start so early, but there you go.
          By the time I got into middle school it got worse. I remember having a gymnastics class and there being a few kids that would harass me nearly every class about how I looked like a boy and blah blah blah. More and more often random strangers whom I'd never spoken to before would just straight up ask me if I was a boy or a girl. I got to the point where I'd just tell them to guess, or say I was whatever they thought I was. I didn't really get why it was such a big deal to everyone else when it wasn't a big deal to me, so eventually I just stopped caring. If they thought I was a girl, that was fine. If they thought I was a boy, that was fine too. It didn't change who I was, and if it changed their opinion of me then I didn't want to be involved with them anyways.
          But then my biological hormones really started to kick in, as did puberty. I'm not going to go into details, but I will say that unless I wore incredibly baggy and loose clothes (which I often did) I was asked significantly less often if I was a boy. BUT that didn't stop people from calling me a dyke or something of the like. I thankfully kept up my attitude of just shrugging them off and saying "Sure! I'll be whatever you think." and I continued to care less and less as I got older. Some people seemed to be absolutely determined to make me feel bad or ashamed about the fact that I wore men's boxers and shirts, or distinctly baggy clothes in general. But I had a good amount of friends of both genders that didn't give a shit whether or not I was on the androgynous side, and simply liked me because I was me. I even managed to get some boys interested without compromising myself or making any sort of effort to be more feminine. I've even managed to have a partner for a year without them ever bringing up the "issue", and they seemed to care about it as little as I did. Crazy thought, I know.
          Of course late middle school and high school I started to go through that silly phase of "finding myself" and I've gotten to the point where I have a fair amount of traits of both sexes. I cry fairly easily, I have a pretty feminine figure (although androgynous face), long hair, the uncanny ability to read way too much into every little thing, talking too much, having the uncontrollable urge to squeak when I see a cute baby animal, a distinct disability and hatred of physical labor, clingy and controlling tendencies in my relationships as well as babying, etc. Yet at the same I still have almost exclusively male friends (WITHOUT having any romantic or sexual connection to them), I never wear make up, I rarely ever discuss my true feelings, I tend to keep everything bottled up until I explode, a good chunk of my hobbies and interests are considered to be more for men than women (i.e. video games), I'm awful at pretty much all things domestic and rarely clean my room or anything else, I do NOT gossip constantly, I've little to no interest in fashion and 80% of my wardrobe is men's clothes or for either gender, and so on. Obviously these things aren't all there is to me, and not all of them pertain to my gender identity, but I'm listing some of the major gender specific stereotypes to paint an example about how you don't always have to be- and few people are- exclusively one or the other.

          To this day I still don't really have an answer for what I identify with, because I don't really care. I don't feel the need to put a label on it. I have friends and family that could care less whether or not I fit a niche, and for those that do care, they can ask themselves why the hell it matters. Hopefully as society progresses and the human rights campaign continue their struggles, the judging and bigotry will continue to become less of an issue. I've had much more fortunate results than a lot of those considered to be transgendered. I've experienced no violence because of it, but many do. Many have trouble finding jobs, or getting any of their basic human rights, and some even become disowned by their friends and family. Open mindedness is always the first step, people.

Some of you might wonder why I didn't really bring up sexuality at all in this post, and that's for quite a few reasons. Mainly because this already huge post would have been twice as long, but also because I want to point out that gender and sexual orientation are not always as closely related as people assume. Any gender can have any sexual orientation. Just because someone is transgendered doesn't have to mean they are gay, or even bi. It's who they identify as as a person, and that doesn't always affect who they are attracted to. I'm sure I'll get into sexuality at some later date, don't worry.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The "Romeo and Juliet" concept

          The infamous and unavoidable Titanic emotionally traumatized me as a child. I'm hardly kidding. I believe I was around the tender age of 7 when I first saw this movie. You see, I have an older sister who at that time was in that stage of obsessing over every ridiculously over the top romance she could get her hands on. She was part of that pre-teen girl demographic that good ol' Leonardo DiCaprio baited in so well. She was absolutely enamored with that movie for a quite a long time. So I, being the annoying younger sister that tried way too hard to impress the elder, watched it with her. I don't remember my first time seeing Titanic. I don't even remember last time I saw it (quite some time ago, I know that much). However, what I do remember is the impact it left on me.
          As a young girl I was far from girly in just about every aspect of my personality. But as a naive child (and still having a pair of X chromosomes) I had a fairly good amount of romantic optimism swelling inside me. Blame Disney princesses. Anyways, Titanic. As I stated before, I don't remember the first time I saw this movie, but I DO remember abjectly refusing to watch this movie when my sister asked me to because I didn't want my heart to be ripped out and drowned again. The whole "tragic love story" concept had completely crushed all my romantic optimism (amongst other things, but I won't get into those for now). Don't get me wrong, the 1,500 people out in the middle of the ocean traumatized me in another way completely, but that's not what I'm focusing on today. Seeing how in love poor Rose and Jack were, only to later watch him freeze to death and have to cope with the fact that they be separated at death before ever even taking that vow, just killed me. I started to realize around that time that love doesn't always end so happily as many other stories would have you believe. It was a pretty harsh realization that I still haven't managed to shake; especially considering there is so much more evidence to support this in real life. "Careful! Don't fall in love because they're just going to die anyways! DON'T DO IT!". Thus began my complete paranoia of romantic love.

          Now, you might be thinking "what does this have to do with Romeo and Juliet?". Well, that should be obvious. Tragic love story! Star crossed lovers! They're perfect for each other but the world just will not let them be together! etc. This is what I and many others consider the "Romeo and Juliet concept". A.K.A. romantic tragedy. The Romeo and Juliet concept is usually very similar to most romance stories, in the sense that they both involve couples pitted against trials and tribulations that they must overcome if they want to be with each other. The main difference being that in the Romeo and Juliet concept, they don't succeed. And the ending is what sticks with you more than anything else.
          By no means was Romeo and Juliet the first story with the star crossed lovers thing going on, (see Homer's The Iliad for a much earlier example) but it's one of the most famous and, dare I say it, over the top examples. From the very beginning it's pretty ridiculous. Poor Romeo is depressed because he thinks he's in love with someone he's never spoken to and he bitches about it for a good long scene. Then IMMEDIATELY upon seeing another hot chick (who, by the way, is at the oh so ripe age of 13) completely forgets about this girl who supposedly broke his heart. It's never stated how old Romeo is in the script, but it really wouldn't surprise me if he was 13 as well because that sure sounds like some middle school crap to me.
This is what bugs me most about Romeo and Juliet in particular. I don't know what kind of "love" can be achieved by simply knowing what a person looks like and exchanging minimal words on a balcony during some silly party, but it's sure nothing I've ever experienced. But hey, maybe I'm doing it wrong. Romeo and Juliet are hardly even characters. Romeo's one characteristic is that he's a whiny bitch with bi-polar disorder. Juliet, I can hardly even say she has a single characteristic. She gets depressed but seems a lot less whiny about it. Instead she kills herself. Wooyay.
          I have both love and hate for this story in particular. I just expressed all the things that piss me off most about it, so what do I like about it? Well, I adored most of the iconic scenes. Such as the balcony scene and the last scene where they show their commitment towards each other by committing suicide. Mercutio dying also tugged my heart strings pretty effectively (until Romeo started his usual whining, that is). I just think it would have been so much better if Romeo and Juliet had been actual characters for us to sympathize with, and had actually gotten to know each other. It would have made the already effective ending even better. Not to mention it would have made the first scenes a whole lot less insufferable.

          The concept of the tragic love has grown and evolved a lot since Romeo and Juliet. Titanic is quite similar in a lot of ways, so I wonder why it's not considered a re-telling of that story? I think it's superior to Westside Story in that way, and Westside Story much more closely follows the formula that was laid out. Essentially what Titanic did was fix Romeo and Juliet's biggest flaws. People felt invested in Jack and Rose, because they felt like they knew them. Romeo and Juliet were more of just people to fit the story, instead of people going through this experience.

          So, to conclude: "love is totally great and awesome, but it doesn't matter because death will just tear you apart anyways! And if death doesn't something else surely will. Sooner or later." This is essentially the message I get out of the Romeo and Juliet concept. Some might say that's a very pessimistic thing to take out of such beautiful yet tragic love stories, but I would argue that that is the point of them. To show us that with love often comes with pain. They're business partners. That analogy of "a rose is beautiful but careful not to let the thorns prick you" comes to mind, despite how overdone and cliche it is.  So, what's the optimistic thing you can take out of these stories? I suppose one could take from them the idea that if you love as deeply and are as determined as those people are, you'll probably have much better luck in succeeding than them. Or you could just think "gee, I sure am glad I don't have to watch my boyfriend freeze to death while I chill on a floating door". And if you're one of those people that hasn't been that desperately head over heels for someone (not to mention dependent), then you can be glad at the thought that you don't have to deal with the crap that they do.

Monday, February 21, 2011

An Introduction, Of Sorts.

          The one intent and purpose I have for this blog is for thinking. I'm going to write about whatever I feel like writing about at the time. Whether it's something I've been studying, an album or book I feel passionate about and want to share, or simply ranting about life experiences, it will just be pure thought.
Everything I post will obviously be open for discussion, and I strongly encourage it if you have the urge to do so.

          Now I suppose I should tell a bit about myself for context:
          I'm just short of 18. I am a highschool drop out. I'm an idealist and individualist. My religious beliefs are rooted in multiple practices. I love to learn. Many would describe me as "nerdy". I spend a good chunk of my time either playing video games, reading, or listening to music. If I'm not doing any of those I'm probably just sitting and thinking. I think. A lot. I have huge interest in philosophy and psychology, but I'm only just recently getting in past ankle deep. I like to think I'm open-minded. I guess the best way I could describe how I am in that regard is that I'm very set and determined in my own beliefs and opinions, but I'm always eager to learn about the beliefs and opinions of others, and always try to respect their right to have that opinion. I love debate. I love to study people, cultures, and society as a whole. My goal in life is to never stop learning and growing into a better person.

          Well, that's all I can think to say right now. I don't expect to gain many readers, but if by some strange reason that happens I'll be glad for the (hopefully) intelligent discussions and insights to opinions other than my own.